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Photos (Sch Pix/Reunions)
Photos (Sch Pix/Reunions)
Elementary class Pix
Elementary class Pix
Addison Class Pix
Jordan Jr Hi Yearbook Pix
'69 Madrono- "Most"...
20th Reunion Pictures
25th Reunion
40th Reunion Pictures
45th Reunion Pictures
50th Reunion
50th Reunion
R50 Then/Now Pix
R50 - Misc Pre Get-togethers
R50 Fri Recep & post gigs
R50 Paly Tour
R50 Sat Night Dinner
R50 Sunday Picnic
Our Town R50 video
Remembering: A Slideshow
Memorabilia - The Tower
Farewell Paly Gym
Get Togethers
Get Togethers
Get Togethers 2015
Why We Write...&
Spotlight -- Life Interviews
Spotlight -- Life Interviews
Spotlight -- The McNamaras
Spotlight -- Gary Backlund
Snapshot -- John Abrams
Spotlight - Robbyn Scott
Spotlight - Steve Allen
Artists in Residence
Artists in Residence
Peter Shaw - Roger's Intro
Peter Shaw-In His Own Write
Ceramic Visions - Rog's intro
Geoff Pagen - In his words
Winkie -- In her own write
Paly Alumni Assoc.
Palo Alto/Silicon Valley Hist
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Palo Alto High School Class of 1969
Class of 1 9 6 9
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Home Page
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Missing Classmates
In Memory
The Amphitheater - chat site
Photos (Sch Pix/Reunions)
Photos (Sch Pix/Reunions)
Elementary class Pix
Elementary class Pix
Addison Class Pix
Jordan Jr Hi Yearbook Pix
'69 Madrono- "Most"...
20th Reunion Pictures
25th Reunion
40th Reunion Pictures
45th Reunion Pictures
50th Reunion
50th Reunion
R50 Then/Now Pix
R50 - Misc Pre Get-togethers
R50 Fri Recep & post gigs
R50 Paly Tour
R50 Sat Night Dinner
R50 Sunday Picnic
Our Town R50 video
Remembering: A Slideshow
Memorabilia - The Tower
Farewell Paly Gym
Get Togethers
Get Togethers
Get Togethers 2015
Why We Write...&
Spotlight -- Life Interviews
Spotlight -- Life Interviews
Spotlight -- The McNamaras
Spotlight -- Gary Backlund
Snapshot -- John Abrams
Spotlight - Robbyn Scott
Spotlight - Steve Allen
Artists in Residence
Artists in Residence
Peter Shaw - Roger's Intro
Peter Shaw-In His Own Write
Ceramic Visions - Rog's intro
Geoff Pagen - In his words
Winkie -- In her own write
Paly Alumni Assoc.
Palo Alto/Silicon Valley Hist
Header History
How to post photo's, videos...
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Classmates In Virginia: 3
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H. Alexis Hofman (Suggs)
Dennis McMillan
Nancy Smith