Paula's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Apr 29, 2024 at 1:33 AM
Posted on: Apr 29, 2023 at 1:33 AM
Posted on: Apr 17, 2023 at 10:41 AM
Laurie, jI am so sorry for your loss. I have found the Spangler Mortuary in Mountain View to be extremely helpful in out of the normal situations. It’s a big job but they are very good at taking it on for you. Bless your brother.
Posted on: Oct 27, 2022 at 10:33 AM
Hi Roger! I have a funny story about Dr. Shumway's first heart transplant patient. While going to Foothill College I had a job at Sharon Heights Country Club ...I think it was 1970...I was on my way to work and stopped on University Avenue in the tunnel going up to the campus...then on to Sand Hill Rd. and to Sharon Heights. While waiting for the light to change.....I got rear ended in the tunnel. I was searching in my purse for ID and a pen.....when a policeman came up to my window....he asked....are you Paula Rowland....I said yes. He said...'your mother has been need to drive straight home.....I said ok I went straight home and my mother was waiting....asked if I was ok...then told me that the police called...that Dr. Shumway's heart transplant patient was on his way to Stanford Med for a check-up...had a police escort down University Ave....and got a little nervous....hitting my car. I was told to get an estimate for the repair....send it to them....and I received a check questions asked. My most startling moment was that they knew who I was so quickly after the accident and had already called my mom....amazes me to this day.
Posted on: Apr 29, 2022 at 1:33 AM
Posted on: Apr 29, 2021 at 1:33 AM
Posted on: Mar 16, 2021 at 6:48 PM
Your photos are so beautiful...I especially loved the garden angel....I had one in my garden for many years in Spokane...had to leave it behind when I moved to Austin. Being from San probably remember the Flower Mart at 6th and Brannon that angel at one of the supply houses there. A fun place to explore. Thanks ...keep posting.
Posted on: Aug 13, 2020 at 7:16 AM
Good Morning Roger! Hey from Austin...where it has decided to stay at 100 for the rest of August. I loved the computer/technology ads from the past....can you tell me where to go to get the link ...I’d love to share it with a friend. It sounds like you are doing well and staying safe in this crazy time...I wish we had another reunion planned...I loved it! Thanks for all you do...and that’s a lot! Best~Paula
Posted on: Apr 29, 2020 at 1:35 AM
Hi James! I'm sorry I didn't get to talk with you at the reunion. I remember you from St Alberts all those years ago....and you always won the spelling Bee's. Funny the things we remember ...
Posted on: Sep 01, 2019 at 10:56 AM
Hi Diana! I’m sorry that I did not get to see you at the reunion...I wish I had with many of the others on the Paly site I feel like I know you and I always love the stories.
I just want to comment privately about the Pneumonia vaccine and share my experience....I had the two series of Pneumovax23 in 2013 and the Prevnar13 in 2014 or 15. ....and I still got Pneumonia....three times. Spent a lot of time with a Pulmonologist to figure out why....and what to do about it. I was on several antibiotics, both pill and IV for almost 6 weeks each time to get rid of it and have a clear chest exray. I now carry a Rx of Levoquin with me whenever I travel so I can start the antibiotics as soon as I feel symptoms. I’m a generally healthy right...take my vitamins...get exercise and I work at a job. I’m healthy in every other way.
After going through all this...the Pulmonologist got in my face and said you need to take this seriously...”Pneumonia kills old people”. That was good enough for me to get it.
There are many many types of bacteria that can make you sick but Pneumovax 23 and Prevnar13 addresses the most common. After my experience I urge you to get the vaccines...they are worth the effort. Every time I got Pneumonia I felt that I never really came back to my original takes so much out of your body to recover. As we age it gets harder and harder.
Go get the vaccine Diana, you won’t get sick from it, but, you will definitely get sick without it, as you age.
All the best...see you for sure at the next reunion??
Posted on: Aug 19, 2019 at 2:36 PM
Andy! So great to see you at the reunion! I have attached a text from my friend Eileen Buckingham who worked with your Mom way back...even before I was on the WFB scene....Eileen, Carol Rodgers Robyn Ayers and I met Friday morning of the Reunion weekend for breakfast at 9 and left at 3 all the while reminiscing about the fun we had in that WF branch on Hamilton and Waverly...I never met your Dad but the other girls knew him too.
Remember my advice Andy...write that are a natural! Your writing style reminds me of Mike Rowe...the guy from Dirty Jobs...he has a Facebook page that is hilarious....and he encouraged his mother to write a book of memories was so good I bought it for all my girlfriends for Christmas! Write down those funny stories you are so good at telling...especially for those 5 little ones...Do it!
I wish I had known you at Paly, Andy! Pat Klein was are a special guy! See you at the next reunion! ??
Posted on: May 29, 2019 at 1:29 PM
Hi Rita! Fellow St Albert's student! I'll be glad to see you at the reunion. Hope you are well and happy Rita. You'll love this Paly site...many good conversation to enjoy. See you in August!
Posted on: Apr 29, 2019 at 1:33 AM