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Spotlight -- Life Interviews
Spotlight -- The McNamaras
Spotlight -- Gary Backlund
Snapshot -- John Abrams
Spotlight - Robbyn Scott
Spotlight - Steve Allen
Artists in Residence
Artists in Residence
Peter Shaw - Roger's Intro
Peter Shaw-In His Own Write
Ceramic Visions - Rog's intro
Geoff Pagen - In his words
Winkie -- In her own write
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Palo Alto High School Class of 1969
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Photos (Sch Pix/Reunions)
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Elementary class Pix
Addison Class Pix
Jordan Jr Hi Yearbook Pix
'69 Madrono- "Most"...
20th Reunion Pictures
25th Reunion
40th Reunion Pictures
45th Reunion Pictures
50th Reunion
50th Reunion
R50 Then/Now Pix
R50 - Misc Pre Get-togethers
R50 Fri Recep & post gigs
R50 Paly Tour
R50 Sat Night Dinner
R50 Sunday Picnic
Our Town R50 video
Remembering: A Slideshow
Memorabilia - The Tower
Farewell Paly Gym
Get Togethers
Get Togethers
Get Togethers 2015
Why We Write...&
Spotlight -- Life Interviews
Spotlight -- Life Interviews
Spotlight -- The McNamaras
Spotlight -- Gary Backlund
Snapshot -- John Abrams
Spotlight - Robbyn Scott
Spotlight - Steve Allen
Artists in Residence
Artists in Residence
Peter Shaw - Roger's Intro
Peter Shaw-In His Own Write
Ceramic Visions - Rog's intro
Geoff Pagen - In his words
Winkie -- In her own write
Paly Alumni Assoc.
Palo Alto/Silicon Valley Hist
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Rita Aid Fellows True
Vinit Bruce Allen
Robert L. Anderson
Steve Apker
Joan Babson (Moeller)
Barbara Baker
Joanne Ball Genet
Stan Bandur
Bruce Barlow
June Batty
Betsy Bearce
Theresa Bedford (Hanna)
Jacqueline Bolen
Trish Bonar (Richards)
Terri Jean Bond (Kocher)
Andrew G. Boyett
Bonita Bradley (Wilson)
Arthur A. Bridges
Bev Bridges (Kearney)
Diane Bridges (Malamphy)
John Brown
Sarah Brown (Slate)
Janet Bugee (Osterhout)
Chuck Butler
Kim Buurma
Todd Carrel (Carrel)
Bruce Charlton
Laura Comstock
Bev Cooley (Thompson)
Meri Cox (Gyves)
Mary Craig
Linda Crowell (Giger)
Alan Curtiss
Nancy Cushing (Dunham)
Rebecca Cushman (Lavely)
Ian Davies
Terry Dias (Tierney)
Alex Doyle
Robin Duncan
Cathy Dunsmore (Rack)
Carol Durand (Marz)
Chris Echols
Tim Eding
Leonard Ely
Melinda Empi (Lumpkin)
Jan Erickson (Fayle)
Liz Evans (Levy)
Anne Feise
Rich Feller
Jesus Fernandez
Nancy Field
Kathleen Fielding
Allana Kathy Flattley (Zacaria)
Elizabeth Gibbs (Hamilton)
Georgie Gleim
Cheryl Goodwin
Jack Goodwin
Doug Govan
John R. Gray
Linda Grebmieur (Altman)
Dick Gregerson
Joanna Guy (McNamara)
Jeff Hacker
Kathleen Haley
Gail Hansen (Glasgow)
Lin Hansen (Corniea)
James W. Harritt
Robert Haug
Carolynn Heap (Baker)
Paul Heft
Barbara Henrikson (Rueschenberg)
Felix Herndon
John Herriot
Larick Hill
Mark Hixson
Dorothy (Dottie) Hochberg
Brady Hodge
Linda Holiman (Hale)
Debby Holman
Jim Holwerda
Will Hoover
Elizabeth Hurd (Nowicki)
Patsy Ishiyama
Lee Israel (Baker)
Debby Jernberg
Pat Johns
Ted Johnston
Bob Keenan
Bill Keyes
G. Todd King
Jonathan King
Andy Klein
Martin Koch
Nancy Koch (Fritz)
Lisa Korch (Distel)
Mark Kral
Chuck Krause
Debby Larson (Spohr)
Rod Lee
Ronald Leong
Cory Lerios
Cynthia Light (Mitchell)
Jay Livingston
John Lusk
Jonathan Madarang
Mary Jo Makjavich (Wimmer)
Elizabeth Maroder
Marc Matheson
Susie McDonough
Bruce McFadden
Meg McIntyre (Patt)
Bill McNamara
Norma Meadows (Williams)
Jon Meltzer
Carl Merner
Steve Mertens
Russell Metrick
Robin Milligan
Christine Mills (Neher)
Pete Moerdyke
Ken Mohr
Maureen Monette (Borschel)
Steve Moran
Jan Morrisey
Steve Murphy
Steve Muzinich
Laurie Nevin (Panfil)
Tim Noonan
Maureen O'Hagan (Steed)
Bob Orcutt
Kathy Orr (George)
Bill Oudegeest
Scott Owens
George Ozdinski
Pam Panch
Dave Parker
Nancy Patterson
Christine Penny (DeLaRosa)
Rick Peral
Gary Peterson
Ann Phares
Barton Phelps
Boris Pleshakov
Cheryl Popp
Christine Poulter (Murphy)
Patrick Price
Peter Przybyla
James Pyke
Deborah Ramsay (Saltzman)
Lyle Ray
Georgia Remmel (Santos)
Jan Remmel
Tom Renaghan
Jill Renalds (Jones)
Gail Rickabaugh (Liston)
Sr. Pat (Now Go By Patty) Riley
Nick Robertson
Kathy Rogaway (Poulson)
Angelo J Rossi
Marion Rubinstein
Michal Sadoff
Diana Salsbury (Bauman)
Christine Sanchez (Thom…)
Rita Scalise (Fagundes)
Susan Scarborough (Lucas)
Nate Schafer
Liz Schardt
Danny Scher
Keith Schilling
David Schlager
Catherine Schroyer (Bradford)
Phil Scoma
Peter Shaw
Chuck Sheppard
Cricket Shrader (George)
Gary Silva
Bob Slack
Jill Smith
Ken Smith
Kathie Snell (Smith)
Linda Snider (Liv)
Debi Snygg (Podesta)
Chris Sorensen
Hank Sousa
Greg Spinola
Bill Stankovic
Trick Stephens
Janet Stienstra (Day Tuttle)
Kathryn Stock (Moreno)
Janice Strubbe (Wittenberg)
Steve Sturla
Chris Sully
Sharon Suyeyasu
Morgan Taylor
Teresa Terry (Judd)
Linda Tsujimoto (Pressley)
David Willie VanWinkle, Jr.
Craig Viau
Karen VonKempf (Thomas)
Erik Wahlstrom
Denise Waller (Laughlin)
Claudia Wayne (Smith)
Jim Webster
Rich Wegner
Carol Wells (Knight)
Donald Wilkins
Sarah Williamson (Azzopardi)
Neil Willits
Kathryn Wilson (Rubin)
Mary Wolfrom (Budris)
Melinda Woodcock (Martin)
Madelone Wormer (Pena)
Susan Wright
Tom Wucher
Susie Zack (Bringolf)
Ted Zinke
Linda Zupan