STEPHANIE's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Jul 27, 2024 at 1:33 AM
Posted on: Jan 02, 2024 at 8:49 AM
Happy birthday, David! Hoping it's a wonderful year with lots of granddaughter joy.
Posted on: Oct 31, 2023 at 9:11 AM
Happy birthday, Trick! I hope that your day is filled with music and joy, my musical friend.
I had missed your post on the 24th. You rebel, you. Jeans no less. Shocking! I realize that I saw you so much less in high school than at Jordan. I don't think we were in any classes together at Paly.
I had my moments far earlier, and far far away. When I was in elementary school in Yakima capri pants (or is it pant?) became a thing. I think it might have been when I was in fourth grade. My mom and I bought a few of these for me in the spring, I think it was 3 of them. I can't remember if it was my idea, or my mom's, or just both, but I ended up wearing one of them to school one day. The only dress rule I was aware of at school was no shorts. Of course girls - no pant(s), but that kind of went over my head at the time. We didn't know how it would go because while technically not shorts, capris were a big question mark I guess. Some of the kids were kind of shocked and thought I would get in trouble. My teacher loved it and I never got any guff from any adults, including the scary principle Mr. Mitchell. I wore them more during that spring, and then it became a memory. One I still have of course. My mom and sister wore pants all the time when I was young, but only around the house mostly, but for some outdoor adventures as well. When we went fishing in the lower cascades, which we often did, my mom was in pants and she was great at fishing.
Posted on: Sep 14, 2023 at 10:27 AM
My apologies, Roger, and thank you for another chance to respond.
I receive the daily update of postings and anything that is published on the Why We Write part of the site. Both are valuable to me.
I don't know if my inability to really relate to many comments is because of my changes over the many years since our Paly days or if my perceptions and the perceptions of so many others have always been at odds. At any rate, this site has offered a way to better understand what was.
So thank you for making this site so lively. My contributions will probably continue to be uncommon and will I hope provide a little kindness to the conversation.
Posted on: Jul 27, 2023 at 1:33 AM
I, too, am saddened by Jim's death. His was an original, thoughtful mind -- one I wished to know better.
Posted on: Jul 27, 2022 at 1:33 AM